The use of Reason and reasonable argumentation, the reclaiming of the idea of Progress and the struggle against dogma. In this post-modern world, reinventing Enlightenment is of the utmost importance.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Editorial note

this site is not Islamophobic. It is however against organised involvement of religion in policy making, especially when that policy making entail nuclear energy and its offspring nuclear weapons. Iran, along with other middle easterns countries is an example of Religious democracies where policy is heavily influenced by what muslind consider their holy book, The Koran. At back to enlightenment we consider The Koran an historical book to be taken with a pinch of salt. we hold the same opinion for the Holy Bible and other religious ouevres.


Blogger Ana F. said...

O Estado deve contemplar todos, por isso, o ideal é um Estado Laico.
Quando a Religião se mistura com questões políticas, abre sempre espaço a policiamentos morais e éticos, a intolerâncias e segregações.
Um Estado influenciado por determinada religião (Islamismo, Judaísmo, Cristianismo, hinduísmo, etc) é, quanto a mim, uma antítese do que se pretende de um Estado livre e verdadeiramente democrático.
Eu sou Cristã Católica, mas acima de tudo, defendo a separação entre Estado e Religião, a bem de todos!
Estado e Religião são como água e azeite: não se misturam!

7:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that, sometimes, a good article loses value by details such as this one: "Fascist States of America"

Although I think that current US Administration has fascist ambitions, the land is, still, a Free Land. Democracy sure is under fire in the US, but I just think you over did it, and that american audiences, even those who would read this article and agree with you, will stop short in the first line. Just an opinion, though.

11:04 AM


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