The use of Reason and reasonable argumentation, the reclaiming of the idea of Progress and the struggle against dogma. In this post-modern world, reinventing Enlightenment is of the utmost importance.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


All for one and one for all!

Dear contributors

With the arrival of Student our team is complete. We are the three Musketeers. Student is our D'artagnan and Arrebenta is our spiritual mentor. Why do we write in English? Because English is the language of the World. We aim high. Enlightenment just started, and we will probably never build an impressive audience. Nonetheless, we should try. Why? Because I think we all have something worthwhile saying.

Nevertheless, remember, it is not just what we say; it is the way we say it. We will be better and better with time. Now, let us blog!


Blogger A. Cabral said...

I am lost in the arithmetic. Who am I? There are four musketeers and there are five of us!

7:42 AM

Blogger A. Cabral said...

I think Portus was the big one, heavy drinker and eater, also the more relaxed one. Athos was the hot tempered and older one.

(Mas posso estar a confundir com o D'Artacao, e que o livro nunca o li todo, mas tentei!)

8:00 AM

Blogger A. Cabral said...

That's the thing, does he become a priest in the book or in the movies?
I am all confused now!!!

8:13 AM

Blogger A. Cabral said...

ok, fair enough! I will be the delicate, poetic priest, womanizer. Gives me the chance to send a post about the Church in the next couple of days...

8:16 AM

Blogger A. Cabral said...

And I cannot discard my Third World revolutionary persona either...

8:33 AM


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